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  4. A "Whale Boat" Helps Maneuver a Damaged North Korean Sampan Alongside the USS Manchester

A "Whale Boat" Helps Maneuver a Damaged North Korean Sampan Alongside the USS Manchester

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8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White
Related Collection

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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A "Whale Boat" with sailors from the USS Manchester comes alongside a damaged North Korean small boat holdings three dead North Koreans. All are unidentified. The North Koreans unsuccessfully attempted to mine the USS Manchester in Wonson Harbor off the coast of Korea. The photograph was in an album entitled "The story of the North Korean small boat flotilla who attempted to mine us in on [sic] a dark foggy night R. Adm. Lewis S. Parks. USS Manchester."
May 1951